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Independent Commission for Mines and Minerals held an information meeting with enterprises in mining sector

Prishtina – 21 February 2019

The Chairman of the ICMM Board, Mr Musa Shabani, made a remark where he mentioned the miners’ week and greeted them for their contribution for the development of the country. After he talked about mineral resources, the ICMM legislation, he informed the business entities that ICMM has actually the responsibility for 561 issued permits and licences. ICMM implements and it is responsible for implementation of the Law on Mines and Minerals, Law on Occupational Safety in Mining Activities, Mining Strategy of the Republic of Kosovo and State Policies for Development and Progress of Mining Sector. Hereupon, he required responsibility from operators to the Law on Mines. Among other things, he said that a sustainable economic and social development of Kosovo and welfare of citizens is the main priority of the state institutions of Kosovo. He promised as well the support in every aspect to all who deals with mining industry.

The purpose of the meeting was to inform enterprises for the obligatory reporting to the ICMM according to the Law No. 03/L-163 on Mines and Minerals amended and supplemented by the Law No. 04/L-158, with sublegal acts issued in compliance with present Law and Mining Strategy. Each presenter from the determinate Departments informed the licensed enterprises about changes in reporting, and possible sanctions if they do not report.

After presentation, the enterprises received the replies on their questions from Mr Jahir Gashi, Inspector of Mines, Mr Sali Mulaj, Head of Geology Department, Mr Aqif Axhami, Head of Survey Department and Mrs Selvije Kadriu, Inspector of Revenues, Department of Finance and Sami Duraku, Head of GIS Department.

In the end, it was concluded by the Director of ICMM that these meetings due to their importance will be held also in future. Enterprises as well will have opportunity as so far to consult with respective Departments.