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A Cooperation Agreement between ICMM and University of Mitrovica “ISA BOLETINI”
Independent Commission for Mines and Minerals and University of Mitrovica “Isa Boletini”, signed a cooperation agreement in order to cooperate between parties.
The general purpose of this agreement is to provide assistance to students of UMIB to perform professional practice and the possibility to use the literature in the ICMM for scientific need during the different scientific researches, based on applicable legal provisions.
ICMM and UMIB agreed to cooperate in these fields:
- ICMM will enable performance of professional practice for students of UMIB.
- ICMM will enable students to access the documentation on researches and scientific studies that are in ICMM.
- Cooperation and technical assistance to be given to students to prepare seminary papers and diplomas (basic -Bachelor, Master and Doctorate) that have to do with the issues of mining sector – solution of certain practical problems.
- Organization of different symposiums and seminars that has for purpose to implement contemporary methods in different scopes.
Agreement is signed by Musa Shabani- Chairman of Board in the ICMM and Alush Musaj-Rector in UMIB.