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Press release, No. 05/2016

The Parliamentary Committee for Economic Development, Infrastructure, Trade and Industry consisted of Mr. Muhamet Mustafa – Chairperson of the Committee, Mrs. Sala Berisha – Shala –Member of the Committee and also Chairperson of the Committee for monitoring the implementation of the legislation on mines and minerals, held a working visit on 19.08.2016 in the Independent Commission for Mines and Minerals (ICMM).

Initially, Mr. Musa Shabani – Chairman of the ICMM Board, informed the delegation about developments in the mining industry within the country. Mr. Shabani by talking about positive developments in this industry and the progress made, noted that around 22 million euros or 7.5% more than in the same period of the last year are collected so far from the royalty, despite the challenges shown in the operational stages of Ferronickel.

Mr. Shabani then noted that despite increasing progress, ICMM continues to face the various challenges such as the lack of facility, then illegal mining activities where he noted that there was a progress to prevent and prohibit these operators, but that the situation in this field still requires common interinstitutional commitment. In this respect, the ICMM is making effort in continuity to increase interinstitutional cooperation such as with Police, the State Prosecutor and Municipal Inspectorates, but at the same time it has requested as well support from the Government of the Republic of Kosovo through the action plan for the prevention and prohibition of illegal operations.

Then, Mr. Muhamet Mustafa – Chairperson of the Parliamentary Committee for Economic Development, Infrastructure, Trade and Industry noted that the ICMM is a very important institution for the country, respectively for the economic development of the country, by noting that the Committee headed by him is very satisfied with the work and continued progress that is being done in the ICMM. Then, Mr. Mustafa noted that the ICMM has very seriously addressed as well the recommendations of the Committee and in this respect it has the full support of this Committee to continue with work and progress, and the Committee will support the ICMM Board to overcome the challenges and further growth of strength.

Also Mrs. Sala Berisha – Shala spoke about the importance of the ICMM and for the continued progress being achieved in this institution, noting the joint participation in the PDAC Conference – Canada, where thanks to the presentation by the ICMM Board, it has been achieved to be also a part of a NATO Forum for Economic Development. Also, Mrs. Berisha – Shala spoke about the importance of amending and supplementing the Law on Mines and Minerals to make it more attractive for investors.

Then the discussions on important issues for mining industry continued, with joint assessments to increase interinstitutional coordination and cooperation.