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Workshop “Process of Kosovo’s membership in EITI”

A workshop was held in Tirana on the Process of Kosovo’s membership in EITI (Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative) organized by the Ministry of Economic Development (MED) and the Foundation for Open Society (KFOS).

The representatives of the EITI Board, such as Oleksiy Orlovsky, Member of the EITI Board, and Ingilab Ahmadov, Director of the EuroAsia Hub participated in this workshop except relevant Kosovo institutions (Assembly of Kosovo, Ministries, Agency, Mining Enterprises, NGO etc). Also there were present the representatives of USAID and the representatives of ALBEITI – Albania.

The ICMM in this workshop was represented by the Members of the Board, Mr. Kemajl Zeqiri and Mr. Avdi Konjuhi. According to the preliminary agenda, the ICMM has prepared the presentation “Challenges and Perspectives of the Mining Sector”, which it was presented by a member of the working group of Kosovo’s initiative in EITI membership, and at the same time a member of the ICMM Board, Mr. Kemajl Zeqiri. It should be emphasized that before and especially after the ICMM’s presentation, there were discussions and questions from the participants regarding the ICMM’s role and the mining industry in general, whereby the ICMM representatives participated actively in the discussions apart from providing relevant information.

In the end, the international representatives of EITI and the organizers from MED and KFOS publicly thanked the ICMM for a substantial and coherent presentation as well as for the contribution given to the discussions at this event. The meeting was concluded with a joint conclusion