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Press release

Prishtina – 16 January 2020

The Management of the Independent Commission for Mines and Minerals (ICMM), represented by the Chairman of the Board Musa Shabani, Executive Director Ramiz Krasniqi and Head of Legal Department Selvete Grajqevci were met on Thursday with the Mayor of the Municipality of Malisheva Ragip Begaj, Head of Municipal Assembly Rrahim Morina and representatives of the political parties, Alban Mazreku from PDK, Alban Krasniqi from VV and Kastriot Berisha from AAK.
The purpose of this meeting is to clarify and consult about the decision of the Municipal Assembly of Malisheva for the suspension of municipal consents for all operators that have mining licenses and carry out the similar activities in the territory of this Municipality.
The senior officers of the ICMM have given their explanations based on the applicable laws regulating mining sector in the Republic of Kosovo about the issuance of permits and licenses for exploration, mining and processing of the mineral resources, whereas the representatives of Malisheva have justified the decision of the temporary suspension of licenses and permits for the purpose to apply criteria from operators, protection of the lives of citizens due to blasting, environmental pollution, damages of roads and other issues with negative impact in the lives of citizens.
After many explanations done by two parties, Chairman of the ICMM Board, Musa Shabani has declared that this Commission will not issue henceforth licenses and permits without the consent of the Municipal Assembly of Municipality of Malisheva. He explained that the ICMM will not retroactively revoke licenses and permits by warning that the Municipality of Malisheva will bear all consequences of eventual revocation of consents and permits.
Both parties agreed to organize the joint field inspections by inspectors of the ICMM and Municipality of Malisheva to inspect all enterprises that have licenses and permits issued by ICMM and to be engaged in the solution of all concerns of the citizens of this Municipality.