Prishtina – 05 October 2018
Presentation of the Information Brochure on illegal mining activities in Prishtina
Mr Avdi Konjuhi, Member of the ICMM Board informed the participants about the history and the purpose of the establishment of the Independent Commission for Mines and Minerals who among other things spoke about types of licences and difficulties for the ICMM created by the illegal operators. There were explanations from the Member of the Board, Mr Kemajl Zeqiri, after questions from the Kosovo Police.
Mr Safet Jashari, Commander of the Police Station in Prishtina, about the Information Brochure in order to move this process forward vowed that the ICMM will have the support of the Kosovo Police. The first job is to identify these operators in all zones, by fulfilling sectorial file with the file of operators with all information separated or grouped in one place in this sector by which it will be required identification of illegal and legal operators that cause pollution and cause risk for the people. He said that an Operative Order will certainly facilitate taking the responsibilities in Police level.
The representatives of MESP, highest Police structure in the Regions level from the Police of Prishtina, Podujeva and Obiliq and representatives of local level Municipalities of Obiliq, Gracanica and Podujeva were in the meeting.
Major Shkelzen Xhafa asked in what role the Kosovo Police will be engaged in identifying operators when it is known that these Police Officers cannot be aware that the operator is illegal or legal, an action to identify operators is very difficult because of the lack of information and lack of professionalism in this field. Mr Jahir Gashi Inspector of Mines – Mining who presented the Brochure said that the “Form of Control” (point 9, paragraph 1) has addressing to the ICMM and it makes the ICMM responsible to return the information for professional assistance how to act for the said operator attacked by the Police.
Municipal officials from Municipality of Obiliq and Gracanica vowed to support this initiative and they will adhere to the recommendations in the Operative Order prepared by the Directorate of the Police of Serious Crimes in Pristina
Prishtina – 05 October 2018
Presentation of the Information Brochure on illegal mining activities in Prizren
Avdi Konjuhi, Member of the ICMM Board spoke about the purpose and importance of the organization of workshops for presentation of Brochure. Among other things, he said that we can succeed, but it is not enough without the assistance of the Kosovo Police. The population should be aware of the need for licensing in the ICMM.
The Director of the Directorate of the Investigation of Serious Crimes, Major Mr Fadil Gashi said that two issues are important: Enabling good actions of legal enterprises and preclusion of illegal actions. The Police shall have the legal power to preclude and prevent illegal activities. Among other things, he said that the Police should not assist, but should create a working environment for the ICMM’s Inspectors.
The representative of MESP, Inspector Mr Ismet Dërvari, said that the initiative of the Directorate of Investigation of Serious Crimes is quite appropriate, as illegal activity continues despite the great efforts. There are on-going degradations, pollution of water, air, which also cause damage to Kosovo’s budget. The biggest degradations are in the Municipality of Gjakova and Prizren.
The Director of Regional Police of Prizren, Mr Nexhmi Krasniqi said that the assistance of Police will be twenty-four hours. Let be united and fight this phenomenon and this destruction was said among other things by him. This initiative does not just remain on paper. Presentation by Mr Jahir Gashi, Inspector of Mines – Mining was a clarification of the definition of illegal activities and he required to enable seizure of means as it was in 2011.
Chief Inspector of the ICMM, Mr Fatmir Gërguri said that the fines issued by the ICMM are not enough for this.
After the comments by the Police of Dragash that the biggest illegal exploitations are made in rivers, the Commander of Regional Police, Mr Nexhmi Krasniqi said that they are ready to take actions.
Prishtina – 03 October 2018
Presentation of the Information Brochure on illegal mining activities in Pejë
Mineral resources are considered assets of the Republic of Kosovo and no one has the right to use them without having a license was said in the presentation by Mr Azem Rexhaj, Member of the ICMM Board. He also said that there are unfair commercialization and disloyal competition to licensed enterprises in the ICMM. The Municipalities should take care of the illegal operators during bidding. Among other things, he stated that this phenomenon of illegal operations is costing to the Kosovo Budget and the lives of children.
The Director of the Directorate for Serious Crimes, Major Fadil Gashi emphasised that we will try with co-operation to prevent this dangerous operation with consequences for people. Among others, it was said that the Police will be present in the field through operational plans, it is a legal obligation. He compared the Municipality’s activity to zero. Regarding the Kosovo Police, he had a remark if they allow illegal actions they will be considered as accomplice. Expect fines, the Police must also arrest illegal operators, as this it is considered a theft. Among other things, he added that these cases are not offences but are cases of criminal charges. Mr Azem Rexhaj, a Member of the ICMM Board, supported him by adding that even if the Inspectors of ICMM do not perform their duties, the measures shall be taken.
During the presentation of the brochure by Mr Jahir Gashi, Inspector of the ICMM informed the participants that we have 14 cases of mortality until now from the consequences of illegal activities.
The representative from MESP ascertained that cooperation with Kosovo Police is needed as illegal activity is taking place after working hours of the Inspectors of ICMM, especially during weekends.
The Municipal Inspector complained about taking bids by illegal operators.
At the end of the meeting, all agreed for cooperation until the disappearance of this phenomenon.
Prishtina – 03 October 2018
Presentation of the Information Brochure on illegal mining activities in Gjakovë
It is a great challenge for the Independent Commission for Mines and Minerals to prevent illegal mining activities in the Republic of Kosovo, said in the speech of Mr Festim Kutllovci, Member of the ICMM Board. Among other things, it was stated that the ICMM as an independent institution cannot fight alone this phenomenon. Therefore, an awareness campaign has been organized in order to be taken measures against this phenomenon with consequences of degradation of the environment, damage to the Kosovo Budget and loss of children’s lives. The Police should be ready for twenty-four hours to take measures to prevent illegal activities, it should stop and identify them, then the ICMM will undertake the measures under the applicable Law (LMM) was said in the end by Mr Kutllovci.
The representative of MESP expressed his concern about the degradation of Drini i Bardhë and Erenik rivers.
The participants were informed from the presentation by Mr Jahir Gashi, Inspector of Mines – Mining, about the identification of illegal activities and the completion of the control form by the Kosovo Police.
The Police said that they should have the support of other institutions in order to act. The ICMM presented a brochure that will help identifying these activities, whether they are illegal or legal activities. Then the Kosovo Police will complete the control forms by which the activity will be determined and the ICMM will be notified.
The representative of MESP had question for the Police of Gjakova Region for identification of trucks without registration, how many of them have been identified so far.
The Director of the Directorate for Investigation of Serious Crimes, Major Fadil Gashi, among other things said that no one is allowed to damage the environment. The Police must act according to the Law; in these cases they should also arrest the illegal operators.
Prishtina – 01 October 2018
Presentation of the Information Brochure on illegal mining activities in Mitrovica
It is a good initiative undertaken in cooperation of the Commission for Mines and Minerals with Kosovo Police, MESP and Municipalities. It is required a coordination especially with the local institutions, said in the speech of Member of the ICMM Board, Mr Festim Kutllovci. Prevention of illegal activities is not divided at the central and local level, but it belongs to anyone was said by the Director of the Directorate for Serious Crimes, Major Fadil Gashi. He also added that the Municipality and Police are the main responsible institutions to prevent illegal operations. The representative of the MESP stated that there were joint inspections with ICMM. But it was his request not to use coal in schools. The representative of the Municipality of Skenderaj asked to draft an Administrative Instruction with the tasks to prevent these illegal operations. The Chief Inspector of the ICMM, Mr Fatmir Gërguri, emphasised that 70% of the work of inspectors is dedicated to illegal operations. Participants of the Kosovo Police asked about how to deal with coal and seized means. The Director of the Directorate for Serious Crimes, Major Fadil Gashi, in the end required to educate the Police in the preventive aspect to prevent illegal operations. Participants were from ICMM, MESP, Kosovo Police and Municipalities of Mitrovica, Vushtrri and Skenderaj.
Prishtina – 01 October 2018
Presentation of the Information Brochure on illegal mining activities in Ferizaj
Mining activities to some extent are out of control said in the speech of Captain of the Department of the Investigation of Serious Crimes, Mr Agron Haziri. They are creating material damages and loss of the children’s lives. It has been recently raised the alarming state of legal and illegal activities. Department of the Investigation of Serious Crimes, ICMM and MESP have cooperated in drafting the information brochure and the form of control.
The Chairman of the Board, Mr Musa Shabani, spoke about the history of the ICMM, regulations and laws in years. The ICMM enables exploitation of minerals to the businesses by obtaining licenses. Mr Musa Shabani said in his speech, that the purpose of the meeting is to sensitize all institutions to prevent illegal activities, as except degradation of the environment, they are causing a risk for the life of people. Informal economy and unfair competition create uncertainty for both domestic and foreign investors. He emphasised that there are illegal exploitation of quartz sand in Ferizaj which ICMM has identified them and submitted cases to Prosecutor. Among other things, he said that the ICMM needs the assistance of the Police, especially to stop trucks carrying mining commodities without documentation.
Except Criminal Law in the region, we have a Standard Operation Procedure that deals with environmental pollution, said in the speech of the Director of Regional Police, Mr Refki Morina. Among other things, he said that the brochure will help in the cooperation of the Municipalities and the Police with the highest levels. The legal aspect is in conformity with European laws, so the law must be applied. It is also obligatory as well for citizens to notify such actions. Failure to notify them is a criminal offense.
Representative from MESP, Mr Mustafë Hyseni-inspector mentioned the degradations that remain after the construction of highways and he had remarks for non-participation of representatives from the Municipality to the meeting. Among other things, he said that municipal consent is a basic document, then it is the consent of MESP and in the end the license is issued by ICMM. Cooperation between ICMM and MESP has not been lacking, but seizures cannot be made without the Prosecutor’s order. Among other things, he said polluter pays according to the Law on Environment.
Speaker for the brochure, Mr Jahir Gashi, Inspector of Mines – Mining said that besides the fine of five thousand euros the illegally exploited mineral remains and it is invoiced three times of the value. The only way is to make criminal charges. Among other things, he said that Inspectors dedicate eighty percent of energy to illegal activities.
Treating of these cases (illegal operations) will be in conformity with the criminal procedures, law and criminal code said in the speech of Captain Mr Agron Haziri, from the Department of the Investigation of Serious Crimes. He said among other things that environmental crimes are with less violator and with more consequences. If we encounter a crime then it should be penalized there. In the end, Mr Haziri said that this issue will be regulated in the operative aspect. It will be open a criminal procedure for those who don’t perform his task.
Presentation of the information brochure doesn’t have for purpose the transfer of competences, but it is the limited number of inspectors and working hours so the ICMM needs the assistance of Police. We will be twenty-four hours for cooperation to prevent illegal activities was said in the end of the meeting by the Chief Inspector of the ICMM, Mr Fatmir Gërguri.