Today, on 08.05.2018, the ICMM Board has met the Trepça Supervisory Board; the purpose of the meeting was informing them for organization of the international conference, the role of Trepça at the conference. During the meeting, the Supervisory Board was informed that Trepça Enterprise will have a good opportunity to present Trepça resources at the conference that will be held on 16-17 May. It is a good opportunity for companies that have expressed interest that after the end of the conference to be able to visit Stantërg mine on May 17th.
The Trepça Supervisory Board thanked the ICMM Board for the visit and they expressed readiness for cooperation between the two institutions, and also thanked for the opportunity to present the resources that Trepça possesses and expressed its readiness to mobilize all staff on May 17th to enable the visit to Stantërg mine for companies that express interest to visit it.